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粮食安全概念股有哪些 哪些相关股票值得关注




1974年FAO把粮食安全定义为:“保证任何人在任何地方都能得到为了生存和健 康所需要的足够食品。

” 1983年4月FAO世界安全委员会通过的 总干事爱德华•萨乌马提出的粮食安全新概念是:“粮食安全的 最终目标是,确保所有的人在任何时候既能买到又能买得起他们 所需要的基本食品。

” 1996年11月第二次世界粮食首脑会议通 过的《罗马宣言》和《行动计划》,对世界粮食安全做了如下表 述:“只有当所有人在任何时候都能够在物质上和经济上获得足 够、安全和富有营养的粮食,来满足其积极和健康生活的膳食需 要及食物喜好时,才实现了粮食安全。


FOOD SECURITY AND SAFETY With the increased movement of people and goods around the globe, food security -- access to adequate and sustainable food supplies -- and food safety have become topics of widespread international interest. What is being done to ensure that reliable and affordable amounts of nutritious food are available to the world\'s growing population and how safe is the global food supply? Only a small percentage of the world\'s hungry and malnourished people currently are being reached by food assistance programs, says Congressman Tony Hall, U.S. Ambassador-designate to the United Nations hunger and food organizations, in the lead article in this issue of Economic Perspectives. Hasty, stop-gap measures to address food security, he says, must be replaced by programs that are crafted, in part, by key stakeholders in affected communities to ensure predictable and stable food supplies appropriate to local conditions. Hall and other experts begin by asking if food insecurity is a symptom or a cause of poverty. Hall suggests that hungry people are so focused on getting their next meal they cannot take advantage of many traditional routes out of poverty, such as education and alternative agricultural techniques that would, over the long term, help them attain food security. These experts recommend some new approaches, such as direct food assistance for families whose children stay in school and legal protection for rural property rights that would encourage farmers to make the types of investments that would boost food productivity. Others argue that food insecurity is not an issue of a shortfall in food production but rather that governments have neglected agricultural development, made ineffective use of food aid, and, through protective trade barriers, made hunger alleviation more difficult to attain. There are success stories. Bangladesh, once extremely dependent on food imports, has transformed its devastated agricultural sector into one of the most productive farm economies in all of South Asia through a global partnership between foreign aid agencies, international research institutions, and indigenous non-governmental organizations. Greater crop diversification would help further food security in Bangladesh, experts say. Food security and safety are tightly linked. On one hand, transgenic technology may hold the greatest potential to increase food production, reduce the use of harmful chemical pesticides, and provide nutritional foods. On the other hand, some argue that the technology, rather than being a hope, represents a new threat to both the environment and health. Some argue that the U.S. food safety regulatory structure is the best in the world and ensures the safety of both the domestic and export food supply. Others say that as good as this structure is, even more food product labeling is needed to let consumers know which products include or exclude genetically engineered foods and ingredients. This issue of Economic Perspectives does not take sides on all of these issues but aims rather to educate foreign audiences on U.S. policy and on the debate in the United States over food security and safety, raising important questions that policy-makers in each country must address in forming future development and environmental policies. 世界粮农组织的解释: What is meant by food security? Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food for a healthy and active life (World Food Summit Plan of Action, par. 1). This involves four conditions: (i) adequacy of food supply or availability; (ii) stability of supply, without fluctuations or shortages from season to season or from year to year; (iii) accessibility to food or affordability; and (iv) quality and safety of food. 中文: 粮食安全的定义是什么? 粮食安全就是所有人在任何时候都能在物质上和经济上获得足够、安全和富有营养的食物以满足其健康而积极生活的膳食需要(世界粮食首脑会议行动计划第一段).这涉及四个条件: (1)充足的粮食供应或可获得量; (2)不因季节或年份而产生波动或不足的稳定供应; (3)具有可获得的并负担得起的粮食; (4)优质安全的食物. 世界粮农组织粮食安全特别计划:The specail programe for food security(FPFS) What are the Programme\'s main objectives? The main objectives of the SPFS are: (i) to help LIFDCs improve national food security through rapid increases in productivity and food production; (ii) to reduce year-to-year variability in production on an economically and environmentally sustainable basis; and (iii) to improve household access to food. Increasing ...


粮食安全概念提出的背景是20世纪70年代初发生的世界粮 食危机。

面对严重的粮食危机,1974年11月世界粮食大会通过 了《消除饥饿与营养不良世界宣言》,提出“每个男子、妇女和 儿童都有免于饥饿和营养不良的不可剥夺的权利……因此,消除 饥饿是国际大家庭中每个国家,特别是发达国家和有援助能力的 其他国家的共同目标。

” FAO(联合国粮农组织)理事会同时通 过了《世界粮食安全国际约定》(以下简称《约定》),认为保证 世界粮食安全是一项国际性的责任,有关国家应“保证世界上随 时供应足够的基本食品……以免严重的粮食短缺……保证稳定地 扩大粮食生产以及减少产量和价格的波动。

”《约定》要求各国 采纳保证世界谷物库存量最低安全水平的政策。


金正大:逆势生长,持续领航 1. 2016年一季度经营靓丽。

金正大(002470)(002470.CH/人民币 16.24,未有评级) 2016年一季度营业收入、归属于上市公司股东的净利润分别为46.40亿元、4.05亿元,分别同比增长11.04%、22.21%,基本 EPS为0.26元。




辉隆股份:公司动态点评:扣非后净利大增,四大板块逐渐明晰 预计2016-2018年EPS为0.26、0.37和0.41元,当前股价对应的PE为34.3倍、24.0倍和21.4倍,公司作为农资连锁区域龙头,将充分享受供销社改革红利,电子商务公司打通线上线下渠道。

诺普信:最差的时候或已过去,建议投资者关注 事件一:公司公告第二期员工持股计划,资金总额不超过26,880万元,按照1:1的比例设立优先级份额和劣后级份额。








大北农:结构优化叠加成本红利,毛利率提升 1、事件大北农(002385)公布2016年半年度报告:报告期内实现营业收入73.87亿元,同比增长0.61%;归母净利润3.68亿元,同比增加78.47%;扣非净利润3.50亿元,同比增加105.35%;EPS 为0.0897元,同比增长63%。





3、投资建议我们预计公司2016-2017年的净利润为10.94/ 13.3亿,对应EPS为0.27/0.32元(摊薄后),对应当前股价PE 为30/ 25倍,维持公司“推荐”评级。

史丹利:参股种子巨头在华平台,农业服务战略再下一城 史丹利(002588)农业集团股份有限公司于2016年9月8日与自然人王旭辉签署了《关于安徽恒基种业有限公司之股权转让协议》,以1.5亿元收购转让方持有的安徽恒基种业35%股权。





芭田股份(002170):种植服务商稳步前行中! 随着城镇化的发展,农业从业人员持续减少,土地加速流转不可避免。










